1811 Cares
1811 Auto is always here to help.
In order to assist those in need, 1811 Auto always accepts and distributes donations of food, clothing and toys for those within our community either directly, or within charitable 501c3 recognized neighborhood partnerships (listed below).
We are always collecting and distributing for families of deployed service members as well as the underprivileged as well as seeking new relationships.
If everyone coming would be considerate enough to grab an extra can or two, we can continue to make a huge impact in our community.
In recent times of division, 1811 Auto is asking everyone to come together.
Please think of those less fortunate and not only ask the Lord to help them through your prayers, but also do so yourself.
Drop offs are accepted during all open hours and we will graciously accept cans, boxed and sealed items on behalf of those who could really use a hand.
If you and your family are in need, please do not hesitate to come yourself.
There is no shame, and we want to help anyone and everyone that we can, just ask! If we don’t have it maybe we can get it!
Thank you so much in advance.