Who We Are

We are one of the safest & most respected auto repair and maintenance facilities in NYC. We don't lie, cheat, steal, rob, clean up or spray paint your old parts. We've been maintaining and repairing vehicles since well before China, Mexico, Taiwan, Canada, Korea or the Philippines even started making them and the owner is ALWAYS HERE. NO NONSENSE.

Who We Are 

What We Do

We perform complete automotive maintenance, repair services and body work for all foreign and domestic cars, trucks and specialty use vehicles, including armored, all at our facility. We also provide 1811 ElectroMist™ vehicle sanitizing. We use only TOP QUALITY or OEM PARTS and we are FAST! Little to ZERO downtime. We also extend commercial credit, just ask!

What We Do ›

General Public

We love the public! If you work for the any government agency you are automatically extended their contracted rates on your personal vehicles. Same goes for active military!
If you do not, you will still be treated the best you have ever been in any repair shop and always receive the care, quality and parts you pay for and deserve. We will keep you and your family safe on the road, as we have for decades.

General Public ›